Liberia prepares for grand finale national Stockholm+50 dialogue


Liberia prepares for grand finale national Stockholm+50 dialogue

IPNEWS: The Government of Liberia through the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) with support from UNDP is currently conducting the grand finale of the Stockholm+50 National Consultations at the Ministerial Complex in Monrovia.

The consultation is expected to bring together an array of dignitaries from government line ministries, agencies and commissions, members of the diplomatic crops, the private sector, civil society organizations, academic institutions, youth and students, women and religious groups as well as people living with disabilities.Since the launch of the consultations on March 7, EPA with support from UNDP, has held several regional consultations on how the country can attain a healthy environment that supports the prosperity of all people.

Two regional consultations and 5 side meetings, in Harbel, Buchanan, Gbarnga, Ganta and Monrovia, brought together more than 500 participants, of whom 43 percent were women and girls, drawn from the larger society.

The Stockholm+50 National Consultations are being organized worldwide to stimulate inclusive discussion on the Earth’s triple crisis -the climate emergency, the unprecedented socio-economic impact of Covid19, and continued degradation of natural ecosystems and biodiversity.The various ideas, views and proposals will be compiled in a national report to be presented at the Stockholm+50 international meeting scheduled to take place in Stockholm from June 2-3, 2022.

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