Pres. Weah Wants Public Institutions Construct Own Facilities and Vacate Rental Properties


Pres. Weah Wants Public Institutions Construct Own Facilities and Vacate Rental Properties

IPNEWS-Monrovia: In efforts to minimize government’s spending on rental facilities, President George Weah has called for public institutions across Liberia to construct their own offices and get out of rental facilities thus directing more resources to priority areas.

According to the Liberia News Agency (LINA), President Weah made the call on 10th Street in Sinkor when he spoke at the dedicatory ceremony of the new headquarters of the Liberia International Shipping Corporate Registry (LISCR).

“Since assuming the office of the President of Liberia in 2018, it has been my policy to encourage all public institutions to move out of private rental properties and into their own purpose built facilities,” the Liberian leader who is popularly known as  ‘talk-and-do’ emphasized.

The Liberia Chief Executive expressed delight for his presence at the official dedication of the new offices of the institution. He expressed hope that the modern premises will help facilitate the crucial work that the entity does on behalf of the Liberian Government.

President Weah extolled the management of LISCR for their significant contribution toward the growth and development of the entity despite the many challenges the institution have faced over the years, citing that he is aware of the position of Liberia as the fastest growing registry in the world with the second largest in fleet vessels.

He said the mentioned achievements is a testament of an effective management of LISCR and other intuitions involved in the maritime industry, including the Liberia Maritime Authority.

“I am hopeful that our collaborative efforts will help improve Liberia’s profile in order to gain our rightful place as number one amongst the comity of Maritime nations” the Liberian leader expressed.

However, President Weah encouraged the institution to urgently begin the construction of a purpose built-state-of-the-art edifice that will truly represent the status of the entity.

He confirmed that the policy since declared has been implemented successfully by several public corporations including the National Port Authority, the Liberia Petroleum Refining Corporation and the Liberia Maritime Authority amongst others.

Pres. Weah extolled the Liberia Maritime Authority for being the newest public entity to endorse his policy, citing that he looks forward to gracing the formal opening of the offices of the institution.

The Liberian leader then expressed hope of seeing other Ministries and Agencies follow suit by constructing state-owned enterprises across the country.

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