Liberians Must Recognize, Embrace National Reforms – Says Commissioner Nagbe


Liberians Must Recognize, Embrace National Reforms – Says Commissioner Nagbe

IPNEWS-Monrovia: The Commissioner General of the Liberia Maritime Authority (LiMA), Lenn Eugene Nagbe wants Liberians recognize and embrace what he calls ‘the current reform that is happening under the leadership of President George Weah’.

“We have to recognize the changes that are happening. We have to take away politics from the actuality and the reality is there to see,” the Liberia Maritime Authority (LiMA) boss noted.

The Liberia News Agency (LINA) quotes Commissioner Nagbe when he spoke recently at the dedicatory ceremony of the new headquarters of the Liberia International Shipping Corporate Registry (LISCR) in Sinkor, that several initiatives are undertaken by the Government of Liberia aimed at improving the living conditions of Liberians across the country.

The LiMA boss pointed to the passage of the LiMA and LISCR agreement by the House of Representative and the subsequent concurrence by the House of Senate as a milestone achievement that will help create jobs for Liberians and improve the economy of the country.

The LiMA and LISCR agreement was proposed by President George Weah to the National Legislature with the intention of giving Liberians first preference as it relates to employment and service provisions on ships flying the Liberian flag.

Commissioner Nagbe disclosed that with the help of the new agreement between LiMA and LICSR, the country has sent additional 25 students to the Regional Maritime Training Institute in Ghana and four other Liberians to the World Maritime University in London to earn specialized Master Degrees for the improvement of the sector.

He furthered that the new agreement between LiMA and LISCR has made it possible for the hiring of the last batch of graduates from the Liberia Maritime Training Institute, who according to him are currently working on ships registered with the Liberian Registry.

Nagbe encouraged actors in the sector to work harder in order to register more ships, perform more services, and also increase training opportunities for Liberians thus providing them the opportunities to become seafarers.

Also, Commissioner Nagbe highlighted the issue of the new US$785 million budget submitted by the Executive branch of Government to the National Legislature for fiscal year 2022, citing that the increment in the budget did not happen through accident but through the ingenuity, hard work and commitment by the Weah-led Government.

Nagbe added that the Weah-led Government might even exceed the targeted budget of US$785 million that was presented by Liberia’s Finance Minister Samuel D. Tweah Jr.

“How is this happening, it is not happening by magic. It is happening because the president along with his team is putting effort to increase revenue collection and also cut down wasteful spending. That is the magic and that magic is called good governance which has to be recognized,” The LiMA Boss indicated.

He emphasized that Liberia has had increased GDP growth which according to him signifies that the current administration is physically managing the affairs of the economy for the betterment of the country and its people.

Nagbe pointed out that the astonishing thing about the current reforms is that they are happening in the absence of the United Nations Mission in Liberia which infused over US$200 million into the Liberia economy on an annual basis before the ascendency of the Weah-led Government.

He lauded the President of the Republic of Liberia for all of the motivations he continues to provide for his able lieutenants that have made them exert more efforts aimed at delivering more for the country.

“The action will manifest in real time. Action that you can touch, action that you can see. You can go and touch the new headquarters of the National Port Authority, the Liberia Petroleum Refining Corporation, the Liberia Maritime Authority,” Nagbe emphasized.

Lenn Eugene Nagbe is one of the longest serving public official in contemporary Liberia, dating back to the two-month government of President Moses Blah (deceased) where he served as Special Assistant the President; he was later appointed as Minister of Posts and Telecommunications during the National Traditional Government of Liberia (NTGL) headed by Charles Gyude Bryant (deceased); when President Sirleaf took over in 2006 it took Eugene the first term of President for him to cross carpet and 2011 when Ellen secured her second term, Eugene Nagbe went to occupy other positions, including Minister of Transport, Minister of Youth and Sports and Minister of Information, Tourism & Cultural Affairs.

When President Weah ascended to the Presidency in 2018, Eugene Nagbe was maintained as Minister of Information until 2020 when he was sent to the Liberia Maritime Authority (LiMA) where he currently serves.

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