Deepen Confusion In Grand Gedeh County; As call Mounts for Kai Farley dismissal to salvage hopes of 2023


Deepen Confusion In Grand Gedeh County; As call Mounts for Kai Farley dismissal to salvage hopes of 2023

IPNWS: The latest indication of the CDC dimming morale is the defeat of the party’s candidate in the by-election in one of its fortresses, Grand Gedeh County. When Sampson Bossoe Williams, a staunched CDCian began what is now popular in Zwedru as “Real  CDCians” to campaign against CDC Representative hopeful, Jeremiah Sokan, the apparent call for the party to reconsolidate its efforts in the County fell on deaf ears.

Williams and his team are calling for the dismissal of Superintendent Kai Farley, and they used the “Real CDCian” campaign against Sokan’s election as a basis to signal the seriousness they attach to their demand. They reject claims that prejudice and malice underpin their request to for Supt. Farley to be dismissed. But, instead, the Superintendent has been at the very core of division and corruption in the county. Specifically, Williams and colleague stated that the superintendent rented the County’s earth moving equipment (including yellow machines and truck) to a private company in Sinoe County for his personal benefits – they say he is earning US$ 60,000 from the deal.

The Real CDCians also attributed the seemingly low turnout in the by-election to the superintendent’s alleged intimidation of ordinary citizens in Grand Gedeh. With the help of the Liberia National Police, Superintendent Farley who has a strong tie with the security apparatus in Grand Gedeh, given his past, has turned life in Zwedru into a grisly tale for his critics and the ordinary people.

Sampson Bossoe Williams used these reasons to turn passels of fans against the party in the November 2021 by-election, and he succeeded bigly.

He and his supporters are threatening to campaign against the Weah presidency in 2023 if Farley is not replaced. With the decline in the support of the CDC becoming lucid in every nook and cranny in Grand Gedeh, nothing should be more important to the party than to truncate any threat to its 2023 bid.
To this end, commentators are saying a hint to the wise is quite sufficient.

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