UNDP and Partners Collaborate to Eradicate Corruption in Liberia


UNDP and Partners Collaborate to Eradicate Corruption in Liberia

By Joseph Tumbey; josephtumbey@gmail.com; (+231)777941209

IPNEWS-Monrovia: The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) launched Anti-corruption initiatives project in Liberia in collaborative efforts to fight against massive corruption across the country.

Speaking at the formal launching program held at the Liberia Ministerial complex in Monrovia on Tuesday October 26, 2021 the UNDP said the project is intended to build partnership between the Liberia Anti-corruption Commission (LACC) and the Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) as the point of reference to create public demand, transparency and response regarding the reporting and tackling of corrupt incidents.

The partners however agreed that, weak accountability mechanism and corruption are the key obstacles to Liberia’s socio-economic development, as public confidence in national institutions with business confidence for investment and economic stimulation remain low according to Afro Barometer survey.

The partners which include the UNDP, Swedish International Development Corporation Agency (SIDA) and the Republic of Liberia analyze that, following Liberia’s civil conflicts, (1989-1997 and 1999-2003) the initial peace, security and humanitarian assistance intervention in the country were not adequately followed by the systematic rebuilding of core government functions, which resulted in sub-optimal levels of integrity in the public sector.

“A deficit, therefore, exists with regard to the capacity of State institutions tasked with addressing impunity, promoting integrity in Liberia as well as institutionalΔ±zing transparency, and accountability in governance at all levels”, the partners emphasized.

The partners meanwhile underlined that, though Liberia is regarded to have transitioned from post-conflict to development context, but drivers of corruption still exist in the society as that is undermining the development and human capacity building in Liberia.

According to them, the corruption drivers in Liberia include but not limited to; a culture of unethical and undesirable conduct by some public servants and the private sector especially in relation to procurement processes, weak legislative framework regarding prosecutorial powers of the LACC, the Financial Disclosure and Assets declaration Framework and protection of the whistle blowers and more, are driving corruption crazy in Liberia.

The partners declared, their expectations of the project are to increase engagement between the LACC, Civil Society, the media and stakeholders on collaborative efforts in the fight against corruption.

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