PUL Urges COVID-19 Adherence by Media Institutions


PUL Urges COVID-19 Adherence by Media Institutions

IPNEWS: Press Union of Liberia urges media owners to prioritize the safety of their staff during the ongoing health crisis

Like health workers, the PUL said journalists are also exposed to Covid-19 in the discharge of their reportorial duties.

Press Union of Liberia President, Charles Coffey, was speaking in an ELBC interview over the weekend.

Coffey said while the Union is prevailing on media owners to prioritize the safety of their employees, reporters themselves must also take precaution against the threat of the virus.

Meanwhile, the PUL President has called for calm in the case involving the alleged brutality against reporters Hannah Geterminah of Daily Observer Newspaper, and Trojan Kiazolu of Fabric Radio, by a metro police officer.

Coffey said The Union would work closely with the two reporters to take the matter to court if the case, currently before the Professional Standard Division of the LNP, is not fairly investigated.

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