PUBLIC NOTICE: IPNEWS Publisher Relinquishes Role; Hails Team for Professional Teamwork

Business News

PUBLIC NOTICE: IPNEWS Publisher Relinquishes Role; Hails Team for Professional Teamwork

 This is to inform the general public that as entrepreneur and Publisher, The Independent Probe Newspaper, I hereby relinquished my role as  Publisher, of The Independent Probe Newspaper, effective June 1, 2021, to take on other professional engagements.

Its my sincere hope that all matters of media handing is now channel to the new team at the Independent Probe Newspaper.
May I also take this time to congratulate my team for the professional display of teamwork which continue to enable the Independent Probe make advances in this challenging media, and business environment while i served as entrepreneur.  Bravo again, and long live the Independent Probe Newspaper.
Thank you, and may God bless the works of our hands and save mama Liberia as we continue the fight against the deadly COVID-19 Pandemic.
              Chester A. Smith
              Outgoing Publisher,
              The Independent Probe

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