“The rule of Law is More Powerful then the Barrel of the Guns” Dr. Allen White speaks  on War Crimes Court Establishment; Wants Pres. George Weah Request Court Establishment & Support

Crime Watch

“The rule of Law is More Powerful then the Barrel of the Guns” Dr. Allen White speaks  on War Crimes Court Establishment; Wants Pres. George Weah Request Court Establishment & Support

IPNEWS: Former chief Investigator of the United Nations Sierra Leone backed War Crimes Court, Alan White, has rubbished assertions by warlords and supporters that the establishment of War and Economic Crimes court in Liberia, will further sink Liberia back into violence.
Dr. White stated that the ‘rule of law is much more powerful then the barrel of the gun’, and nothing should swain Liberians away from ensuring that those bearing the greatest responsibility of unwarranted killings, the destruction of the country’s fabric and stealing of the wealth of the country account for their deliberate acts.
Speaking on the special edition of the Costa show late Thursday evening, May 20,2021, Dr. White encouraged Liberians to remain focus on their request for the establishment of War and Economic Crimes court as the best options for a stable Liberia, and ensuring accountability in the public sector.
The former Sierra Leone War Crimes investigator, called on Liberians to demand the enactment of recommendations by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), genuinely established by the people of Liberia through the Accra Comprehensive Peace Accord.
Dr. White stated that the implementation of the  TRC recommendations would put an end to unwarranted acts of murders and economic crimes in Liberia.
“The success of Liberia growth is up to the people of Liberia to demand what they demanded during the Accra, Comprehensive Peace Accord (CPA) by ensuring the TRC recommendations are fully enacted.” Dr. Alan White stated.
Recounting his experience from setting up of the Sierra Leone Wars crimes court, Dr. White stated there is no need for Liberians to be afraid in bringing perpetrators to justice for War and Economic crimes.
“We were told repeatedly that as soon as we started our quest for prosecution in Sierra Leone, that would have plush the country back into crisis.”
“I remember the Civil Defense leader Hinka Norman, who had a little over ten thousand rebel fighters, including head of the internal security of Sierra Leone, who had complete control of the entire security apparatus, such as the Army, Police, intelligence and the Immigration, including all of those you think would be there if we persuaded him. But you wouldn’t imagine, on March 10th, 2003, when I launch operations ‘Justice’ and arrested everyone, especially Hinka Norman, and thirteen others in the Public,  the people got the news and begun dancing in the streets of Sierra Leone. i mean nobody came to his defense.” Dr. Alan White narrated the episode of operations Justice in neighboring Sierra Leone.
On the issue of whether the international community would accept the establishment of the War and Economic crimes Court led by the current government of President George Manneh Weah, Dr. Allen White, stated that ‘given the demonstrated performance of the government over the last three years does not show that the Weah’s government is serious for establishing the War crimes court.
He recounted memories of September 2019, of President George Weah’s address to the United Nations General Assembly for over 20mins calling for assistance, but upon arrival to Monrovia, he give contrary statements to the Liberian media.
“Look this will be my suggestion: The TRC act  thus recognizes the establishment of a War crimes court; it also requires the government to not only support it but to set it up, including harnessing other international support.”
“So than, I will use the Sierra Leone experience model because in my opinion that’s what needs to be done in Liberia. What President Kabba did was to send a letter to the Secretary General of the United Nations expressing support for the War crimes court because he knew he never had the capacity and the funding, so than, the Secretary General in concert with other members agreed to support that.”
“So to avoid the issue of conflict of interest and mitigate corruption,  it was agreed that this court would be an international court, that would have both international and national jurisdiction, including staff by international to avoid corruption, mitigate conflict of interest and ensure its done transparently. “
“I would suggest that President Weah immediately send a letter to the Secretary General of the United Nations requesting that the court is established, including necessary funding, and other support that may include security. Dr. White cautioned.
On the management of the War Crimes court, Dr. White recommended that in consideration of Liberia’s current standing on the corruption index, that no member of the Weah’s administration formed part of the composition of the Liberia’s version of the War crimes court.
He said the court would need a member from the civil society with immense credibility, legal background that would interact with the international community.
Dr. White furthermore proposed that the statute for the establishment of War Crimes court, be determined by signing of a  treaty between the government of Liberia and the United Nations on allowing the United Nation makes appointment of staff such as: ‘Prosecutor, Registrar, members of the trial chambers and on the appeals Court’.
“This will ease the pressure on anybody inside the country for collusion, corruption, threat, bribery, and any other concerns that can happen in cautioning the integrity of the court.”
“The president needs to start this, or the Legislature that report for the people to immediately enact this and send to the president. However, there has to be modification made to the Economic Crimes and War Crimes Court statue, that will either be signed by the president or if he vito it, the Legislature can override the president. But both the House and the Senate need to hear from their people.” Dr. White recommended.

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