CPP’s Grand Bassa County Technical Team Calls for Calm Amid Rival Victory Claims, But….


CPP’s Grand Bassa County Technical Team Calls for Calm Amid Rival Victory Claims, But….

IPNews-Buchanan City: The CPP’s Grand Bassa County Technical Team stated that they have obtained 100% of the districts 1, 2, 5 —and have won these districts. Speaking through its spokesman, Mr. Levi Demmah, the CPP team started that from the vote counted so far, they are neck to neck with Rep. Vincent Willie
in district #3 with a closed losing margin with CDC in district #4.

“Senator Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence has won this election and there is no conspiracy theory but getting the numbers.”Levi Demmah.

“The NEC cannot determine winner of any elections but proclaim the will of the people. ” Mr. Demmah added.

On the eruption of confusion at the Liberty Party Headquarters in Grand Bassa, Demmah stated that the action is a display of recklessness on the part of the ruling CDC.

He stated that the CDC had been trading 5000 votes and should not be claiming victory which undermines the democratic credential of the country.

He said members of CDC intruded into the compound of the Liberty Party leaving scores of partisans of the CPP wounded— who are now undergoing treatment.

” Liberia has come from a bitter past when Samuel Doe thought he could use the gun to claim power. The experience of trying to undermine the rights of the people have thought us a great lesson and we cannot return to the ugly past. ”

“The intention of the CDC to use Grand Bassa county as political stool because they have massively lost in Montserrado, Bong, Margibi ,Nimba, Cape Mount, Bong and Lofa counties, will be resisted at all levels including our blood and sweat.” Levi Demmah maintained.

He told Journalists at a press conference that Grand Bassa is a peaceful county and called on partisans that got wounded doing the unprovoked attack by CDC not to return with violence but operate in the confines of the law.

“We cannot accept a result of a election that does not reflect the will of the people. We have our tally sheets and we cannot accept anything other than victory.”Levi Demmah stated.

On the issue of why they took to the streets in celebration earlier this morning, Demmah stated that those assembling on streets today in victory were poll watchers who had returned from polling places in various districts and were in celebration of what was being obtained from the CPP war room.

He stated that those partisans seen on the streets where returning home and not going to attack any member of the CDC as being alleged.

“We are confident with the tally sheets signed by election officials and party representatives, and we do not expect anything less than victory.”

“If a ruling party will begin resulting to violence, it means that they have lost sight on the political governance of the state and we call on the government to do more than what it is currently engaged with.”

“CPP will consistently remain engaged in Grand Bassa and we look forward to violence free election” Levi Demmah told Journalist.

Meanwhile, tension has intensify in Buchanan after supporters and family members of wounded CPP partisans engaged CDC partisans on Tubman street this evening.

According to IPNews reporter currently on the scene, heavily armed police officers of the Police Support Unit-PSU, are now forming a buffer to separate rival parties at the Monrovia-Buchanan parking towards the GTBank on Tubman Street. (IPNews bring you more as it breaks)

Earlier today Tension built up in the Post City of Buchanan with claims from rival contenders Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence and Gbazongar Findley, of victory.

Both supporters took to the streets chanting pure victory songs.

Before the incident, supporters of Senator Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence in the pipeline community, began jubilating as in comfortable lead ahead of the rival Gbarzongar Findley.

Supporters of Gbarzongar Findley jubilated with claims of being in commanding lead ahead of the CPP candidate Nuonblee Karnga-Lawrence.

NEC chairperson Cllr. Davietta Brown, warned against early presumption of results and street jubilations.

Cllr. Brown cautioned parties and candidate to await the NEC pronouncement of results as the officials statutory body for election matters.

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