‘Let them Launch in Peace’ ..CDC Chairman Morlu Urges


‘Let them Launch in Peace’ ..CDC Chairman Morlu Urges

By: Siafa Jallah

IPNews-Monrovia:The ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) has warned its partisans and supporters to avoid interference during the official campaign launch of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP) in Montserrado and other parts of the Country.

CPP’s candidate Abraham Darius Dillion is expected to officially launch his Political campaign Sunday ahead of Tuesday’s Special Senatorial Election.
Both the ruling party and the opposition blocs have signed a code of conduct with the National Elections Commission (NEC) to respect and maintain the peace during and after the conduct of the Special Senatorial Election.

The ruling CDC has already launched its official campaign in Montserrado and other parts of the country and is also expected to climax campaign activities today with engagements in the 17 Political districts in Montserrado County.

The ruling party’s chairman in a press conference yesterday at its National headquarters called for a calm and peaceful process.

Mulbah K. Morlu said “ They will be launching on Sunday, CDCians and supporters, please avoid the streets and communities, and let them host their program in peace”.

Mulbah at the same time told his partisans that, if they do not have anything to do, they should assemble early at the headquarters of the CDC in Congo Town for a grand sports festival and musical jamboree.

He called on members of the governing party to increase efforts of the “House-to-House campaign, adding “ knock on every door, they’re waiting for you, they will vote for you”.

Morlu also warned partisans not to be complacent rather move in various communities and intellectual centers and major spots in Montserrado to “ concretize” the votes.

“ CDCians, you owed your party, you didn’t turnout to vote in 2019, so we lost, therefore, you should turnout as early as 10am December 8, to overturn the vote” He urged.

The Coalition Chairman further stated: “ You succeeded at our lowest moment, we will correct that mistake”.

He at the same time added that the opposition are crying fraud because they smell defeat at the ballot box.

Amidst its official launch , momentum is very high within the opposition bloc , especially the crowd politics as the key contender for the CPP, Abraham Darius Dillion lunches on Sunday.

The embattled Montserrado Senator has spent a year plus at the Senate and seeing as the only hope of opposition members.But the ruling Party strongly argue that Dillion was mistakenly elected to the upper chamber with the help of aggrieved partisans of the ruling party, a mistake CDC wouldn’t allow to be repeated.

Many believe that wining Montserrado in this year’s Special Senatorial Election, one of 15 Political divisions of Liberia with almost half of the County’s population, is a major boost for the victor during the 2023 Presidential Elections.

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