Give Hope Foundation Conducts Massive COVID-19 awareness; Calls on Pres. George Weah to continue Support to COVID-19 Response Efforts


Give Hope Foundation Conducts Massive COVID-19 awareness; Calls on Pres. George Weah to continue Support to COVID-19 Response Efforts

IPNews-Monrovia: A local women organization in the Stephen A. Tolbert, Borbor Town Community, over the weekend conducted a massive clean up and COVID-19 awareness exercise.

Give Hope Foundation, President, Diane Barh, told IPNews that the clean-up ,awareness and distribution of COVID-19 face mask is the organization’s meaningful way of identifying with the Stephen A. Tolbert and Borbor Town communities.

Miss Barh, a communication expert cautioned residents of the both communities, particularly the Borbor Island community to continued the COVID-19 preventive measures by washing their hands, wearing of facemask , keeping social or physical distancing and avoiding crowded areas especially as the December 8, 2020, midterm elections approaches.

She called on other young and energetic ladies of the Stephen A. Tolbert communities to join ranks to ensuring Give Hope Foundation become drivers for many other community based undertakings.

Miss Diane Barh stated also  that within the coming months Give Hope Foundation, will mobilized resources for maternal and neonatal Care of childbearing mothers and children as a means of ensuing no woman died while giving birth and that children do not die from common curable diseases.

Additionally, Miss Barh told reporters that Give Hope Foundation will collaborate with otfaithbase-base and international Non-governmental organizations to ensuring communities across Stephen A. Tolbert Estate, the Borbor Island community and its surroundgs are kept clean to avoid air and water bone decreases before the rainy season approach.

In August 2020, Give Hope Foundation was established for the purpose of developing young women into national leaders through self-help initiatives for community engagement and awareness on the deadly COVID-19 pandemic; raising awareness on maternal and neonatal deaths.

“I tell you members of the fourth estste,  We have realized that people are downplaying the use of wearing the face mask during this period of COVID-19 response in Liberia, especially our Stephen A. Tolbert Estste, including the Borbor Island Community.

” In recent updates on the reponse efforts of the COVID-19, there is a continued increase in the number of positive cases, so Give Hope Foundation decided to keep our community on track of being safe by adherence to the preventive measures set fourth by the Incident Management System-IMS of the COVID-19 response.”

“Let me say this:  we all like to enjoy but we cannot enjoy when the COVID-19 pandemic continued to pose a threat to our existence, including the  contin down play  by our people in adhering to the preventive measures.” Miss Barh told reporters.

Madam Diane Barh furthermore called upon President George Manneh Weah to continue his support to the Incident Managment System to ensuring COVID-19 become a history in Liberia.

Diane Barh: ” I know there are other competing issues of the government to deal woth, yet may I encourage the government Liberia to continued its support to the Incident Management System-IMS, to ensuring Liberia is totally free from COVID-19. You did it especally during the diffiucult moments of COVID-19 and we have the confidence you can still do it.”

On the issues of vulnerable girls:

Madam Diane Barh called on Young ladies across Liberia to make themselves usable citizens by engaging into developmental initiatives and leadership by transforming their lives, communities, and country.

In conclusion, Miss Barh challenged Charitable organizations, community members,  well-off Liberians to support the works of Give Hope Foundation.

For his part, Mr. Augustine Mayers, a Prominent resident of the Borbor Island community lauded the Give Hope Foundation, clean up and COVID-19 awareness initiative as an exceptional, especially the composition of the organization of  young ladies who have decided to become drivers of developmental initiative rather than engaging in unwholesome acts.

Mr. Mayers stated the initiative by young women of Give Hope Foundation should inspire other young women in Liberia in utilizing their skills in the development of themselves, their community and Liberia in general which is in much need for patriots.

He promised to avail himself and his family to supporting other community based undertakings of Give Hope Foundation.

The day climaxed with games, food, drinks and dances.

4 thoughts on “Give Hope Foundation Conducts Massive COVID-19 awareness; Calls on Pres. George Weah to continue Support to COVID-19 Response Efforts”

  1. If you want to use the photo it would also be good to check with the artist beforehand in case it is subject to copyright. Best wishes. Aaren Reggis Sela

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