Labour Ministry CHICO Manager Permit Revocation Sparks Controversy

Laws & Order

Labour Ministry CHICO Manager Permit Revocation Sparks Controversy

IPnews-Monrovia: A major controversy has ensured over the Ministry of Labour revocation the work permit of CHICO’s Project Manager assigned in River-Gee County; Mr. Xu Tao.

The Ministry of Labour in a release hour ago stated that it revoked the permit of Mr. Tao for ‘acts incompatible with his status as an alien worker in Liberia’.

The Ministry also stated that its action is in line with Section 5 of the 2019 Revised Regulation #17 of the Ministry of  .

The Ministry of Labour at the same time requested the Liberia Immigration Service (LIS), which has the statutory powers to issue Resident Permit, to also invoke relevant portions of the Immigration and Naturalization Law of Liberia to revoke Mr. Tao’s Resident Permit so as to prevent him from carrying out any illegal work in Liberia.

In a release from the Ministry of Labour, the action to request the LIS to revoke Mr. Tao’s Resident Permit is because, the purpose for which Mr. Tao was offered Visa and Resident Permit to allow him enter and stay in Liberia no longer exists, thereby giving him no reason to be in the Country.

But contrary to earier stated that Mr. Tao was working in Liberia without a permit, the Ministry of Labour press statement stated that its action comes as a result of the ‘continual disregard and gross disrespect on the part of Mr. Tao, a Chinese national, for refusing to honor invitations from Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Labour after several communications addressed to him through his employer (CHICO), citing him to respond to allegations levied against him by the National Timber, Wood, Construction and Allied Workers Union of Liberia (NTWCAWUL) for what the union considers as “continual violation of the rights of the workers, as well as the Collective Bargaining Agreement entered into between the Company and the Union”.

Additionally, the MOL release noted that these complaints is dated May 22, 2020 in which the Union also accused Mr. Tao of allegedly humiliating and ill-treating Liberian employees.

In a September 14, 2020, Ministry’s communication signed by Labour Minister Moses Yarkpazuo Kollie and addressed to the General Manager of CHICO, the Ministry termed as disappointing and unacceptable, for the refusal of Mr. Tao to honor several invitations requesting his appearance to respond to allegations against him.

The Ministry added, the actions of Mr. Tao, has led to the immediate revocation of his Work Permit and that, he’s not qualified to work in Liberia as of the date of the Ministry’s communication to CHICO.

Ironically the Ministry of Labour stated that it is currently carrying out a full-scale investigation into the complaints of the Union and will ensure that all necessary actions in keeping with applicable provisions of the Decent Work Act of Liberia is instituted impartially.

At the same time, the Management of CHICO has been citied to respond to all allegations contained in the complaint of the Union as mentioned supra.

Labour Minister Moses Y. Kollie is also admonishing all alien workers in Liberia to be in full compliance with of the Decent Work Act of Liberia and the Provisions of the 2019 Revised Regulation #17 so as to avoid further action in keeping with the Labour laws of Liberia.

With this renew and corrodinated statements, there are confusion as what’s constitute the violation for which Mr. Tao siught after when there uncorroborsted statements coming out of the Minister of Labour.

Paragraphs three, four , five and six completely contradicts the violation of as contained in Section 5 of the 2019 Revised Regulation #17 of the Ministry of Labour.

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