Imminent Disease outbreak at Gbarnga Prison, as sanitary condition deteriorates

Laws & Order

Imminent Disease outbreak at Gbarnga Prison, as sanitary condition deteriorates

By: Peter Dennis, Desk Editor

IPNews-Gbarnga, Bong Co.:  Report reaching the Independent Probe Newspaper says, dozens of prisoners at the Gbarnga Central Prison are said to be resting their heads in rainwater as the result of de-roofed buildings.

According to the acting Gbarnga prison Superintendent Richard Z. Mulbah, since the destruction of the prison roof, inmates occupying the damaged facilities are currently sleeping in the rain leaving many of the of prisoners to suffer from pneumonia, malaria and other illnesses.

“The rain can really pour on the prisoners at the facility. It is very sad to operate a facility in such a condition” the Gbarnga prison superintendent explained.

“The prison compound is being challenged. The storm de-roofed a major portion of the building; about 5 bundles of zinc. It is very bad to see rain pouring on the inmates during this rainy season” Richard Mulbah told the independent Probe Newspaper.

Mulbah admitted that the portion of the damaged prison contains a little over 50 inmates adding that assistance to them cannot be overemphasized.

According to the Gbarnga Central Prison Superintendent, the plights of the compound have been communicated in their regular weekly county security meeting but nothing is being done to savage the problem.

“All the leaders including representatives and senators of our county are being informed but nothing is being done to address the situation of the Gbarnga Central Prison” he said.

Speaking at the prison center recently, Sup. Mulbah called on members of the public and national government to provide them with other building materials in order to have the damaged building reconditioned.

He named bundles of zinc, nails, planks, among others as materials needed to recondition the facility for the inmates.

Superintendent Richard Z. Mulbah said they have informed Executives of the Bureau of Corrections and Rehabilitation-BCR in Monrovia concerning the situation.

The Gbarnga Central Prison, an overly congested facility, currently hosts about 350 inmates. The facility was formerly constructed to host 75 convicts.

Several civil society organizations in Bong County have raised the alarm and called on the government of Liberia through the prison authority to minimize the number of convicts but nothing is yet seen as prisoners are given the hope of being clustered daily.

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