Physical Challenge Get Assorted Items In Mont. & Margibi


Physical Challenge Get Assorted Items In Mont. & Margibi

IPNews-Monrovia: The Deadly Coronavirus outbreak in Liberia, with the subsequent lockdown of Montserrado, Margibi and other Counties by President George M. Weah has resulted to citizens and residents facing the backlash, especially the “physical challenge”.

In an effort to provide meager assistance to some segments of the physical challenge, mainly the blind and deaf in Liberia, GEREENA SKILLS BUILDING INC, a United States based Organization in collaboration with ANPPCAN LIBERIA and LADY JUSTICE CENTER LIBERIA have jumpstart efforts aimed at reducing the level of vulnerability by supporting the vulnerable with some basic food items.

As part of this collaborative effort , two visually impaired groups on the Somalia drive, suburb of Monrovia and Kakata, Margibi County respectivel during the weekend benefited 10 bags of rice each, ten gallons of oil each, cartoons of Clorox, soaps, tissues and hand washing containers amongst others.

Presenting the items Saturday to the beneficiaries, Madam Miatta Y. Gray, Executive Director of Sister’s Hand Liberia, a local NGO indicated that the donation was based on the concerns of partner organizations for the vulnerable groups especially in these times of the lockdown.

“My organization called Sister’s Hand Liberia, Hawa Metzger is one of our partners, she has done a lot for vulnerable people in Liberia, especially when it comes to women and girls, most times rape victims, she was in Liberia and had a discussions with members of the United Blind Association of Liberia located at LPRC, Somalia drive and promised to help. So when this entire crisis started, she called me and decided to show concern. So this is how her organization and other partners decided to help these physical challenge people in this little way”

According to Madam Gray, based on the commitment, GEREENA SKILLS BUILDING INC, ANPPCAN LIBERIA and LADY JUSTICE CENTER LIBERIA did everything possible through Sister’s Hand Liberia to ensure that the items reached the rightful beneficiaries.

“Even if it is one cup of rice let them received it, always is not the amount but the timing, so do not hold back because it is not a truck filled, sometimes the truck filled may come when the need is not really there”.

She echoed that, at this time the physical challenge are the ones mostly in needs, because according to Madam Gray, if the lockdown is affecting those who are physical, what more about the physical challenge.

Sister’s Hand Liberia Executive Director used the occasion to urged organizations, and individuals to help the vulnerable in this crisis because they have no means of helping themselves.

Receiving the items, on behalf of the United Blind Association of Liberia Mr. Augustus Toby (President) commended the partners for their meaningful contributions.

According to Mr. Toby, they (Blind) people are the main vulnerable, adding “People are advised not to touch, but when we even decide to cross roads, someone will have to hold and cross us, which is a risk, so this donation is not small, it is big in the eyes of God, so we want to express our appreciation to you and the partners”.

Members of the United Blind Association of Liberia at the same time pointed to the lack of safe drinking water, poor sanitation and lack of electricity and worse of all, leakage of the entire building hosting them among many other harsh conditions they are faced with.

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