“Give us some of the Stimulus Package”, Disabilities community Calls on Pres. Weah


“Give us some of the Stimulus Package”, Disabilities community Calls on Pres. Weah

IPNews-Monrovia: Members of the Disable Community in Montserrado County District #13 are recommending the equal distribution of the stimulus package recently proposed by president George Weah and subsequently elevated and passed by the joint Liberian Legislature.

Speaking at a news conference in the Battery Factory community, Edward Womgbay, Executive president of the Disabilities community in Montserrado County, particularly district #13 called on national government to take into consideration their plate amidst plan by government for the imposition of another 60 days lockdown.

Mr. Womgbay use the occasion to extol the Montserrado County district #13 Representative Edward Flomo for his magnanimity and assured lawmaker Flomo that the rice distribution will cover every disables communities within district No13.

Womgbay spoke during the weekend, when Rep. Flomo donated one hundred and twente-five bags of 25kg rice to members of the disable community in his district.

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