COVID-19 Global Threats: U.S. Pres. Trump warns Huge consequences over China making of coronavirus


COVID-19 Global Threats: U.S. Pres. Trump warns Huge consequences over China making of coronavirus

IPNews-Monrovia U.S. President Donald Trump, has warned China it will face unspecified consequences if it is determined that the Coronavirus originated in Chinese Laboratory.

President Trump stated that the U.S. central Intelligence Agency and other National Security were reviewing report that the coronavirus was developed in a Chinese laboratory since 2000.

President Trump comments come a day after Frenchman and Nobel Prize-winning scientist revealed that the coronavirus was developed in Wuhan city laboratory during an attempt to develop AIDS vaccine.

The French Nobel Prize-winning scientist, is credited for identifying the AIDS virus, which he claimed that coronavirus originated from while attempting to manufacture AIDS vaccine.

Wuhan city laboratory has specialized in these coronaviruses since the early 2000

The Frenchman stated that the presence of elements of HIV in the genome of the coronavirus and even elements of the germ of malaria are highly suspect’

Professor Montagnier was awarded the 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine for the identification of AIDS virus

The initial transmission of the virus was bat-to-human and the “patient zero” worked at Wuhan laboratory

The French Nobel Prize-winning scientist Luc Montagnier made an astonishing claim saying that SARS-CoV-2 virus or COVID-19 came from a lab and was the result of an attempt to develop a vaccine against the AIDS virus.

In an interview given to French CNews channel today, and during a podcast by Pourquoi Docteur, professor Montagnier who co-discovered HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) along with Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, claimed the presence of elements of HIV in the genome of the coronavirus and even elements of the “germ of malaria” are highly suspect, according to a report in Asia Times.

He further said that the Wuhan city laboratory has specialized in these coronaviruses since the early 2000s and they have expertise in this area.

The theory behind the origin of Covid-19 in the lab is doing rounds for quite some time and recentlyThe Fox News, in an exclusive report, claimed that the virus is a naturally occurring strain among bats and not a bioweapon but added that studies were being conducted on it in Wuhan laboratory.

Acknowledging the report, US President Donald Trump said that the American intelligence and national security officials were looking into the possibility that the novel coronavirus originated in a Chinese laboratory rather than a market.

On Saturday he warned China of consequences if it was “knowingly responsible” for the spread of the pandemic which has claimed the lives of over 1 million people all over the world.

China’s patient zero
Various reports on the origin of the virus claimed that patient zero worked at Wuhan laboratory and the initial virus transmission was from bat-to-human.

Professor Montagnier, who was awarded the 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine, has been ridiculed by scientists including his colleagues.

According to a report by Washington Post, two years ago, the US embassy officials in China raised concerns about the insufficient biosafety at the Chinese government’s Wuhan Institute of Virology.

The institute is located quite close to the Wuhan wet market and is China’s first biosafety level IV lab.

However, Chinese experts including Yuan Zhiming from the Wuhan Institute of Virology have rejected claims that the virus originated in a lab at the institute and blamed political forces for fanning conspiracy theories slandering China’s anti-virus efforts.

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