Pres. Weah Sets Up Steering Committee for COVID 19 Food Support Program


Pres. Weah Sets Up Steering Committee for COVID 19 Food Support Program

IPNEws- Monrovia, Liberia: President George Manneh Weah has appointed a National Steering Committee to provide oversight to the COVID-19 Household Food Support Program (COHFSP).

Recently, in his State of Emergency Letter to the National Legislature, President Weah requested the National Legislature to re-appropriate US$ 25 million from the FY 2019/20 National Budget for COHFSP, to be implemented by the World Food Program. The president in that letter promised to appoint a National Steering Committee to provide oversight and prescribe rules for the COHFSP.

According to a Executive Mansion release, the Membership of COHFSP’s National Steering Committee is as follows:

1. Ministry of Commerce and Industry– Chair
2. Ministry of Agriculture – Co-Chair
3. World Food Program — Secretary
4. Ministry of State for Presidential Affairs
5. Ministry of Finance and Development Planning
6. Ministry of Information and Cultural Affairs and Tourism
7. Ministry of Justice
8. Executive Committee on Coronavirus
9. National Security Council
10. Two representatives from Civil Society
11. Two representatives from the CPP
12. Two representatives from Other Political parties
13. Two representative from the Christian community
14. Two representative from the Muslim community
15. Two representatives from the Youth and student community
16. One representative from Women Groups
17. One Representative from the Coalition of Political Parties Women of Liberia
18. Representative from United Nations Organizations
19. Representative from the International Monetary Fund
20. Representative from the World Bank

In his letter to different members of the Committee, President Weah noted that the National Committee set-up is in line with an inclusive, all-of-Government, all-of-society approach the Government of Liberia has adopted at this stage of the National Response to COVID-19. The president disclosed that he has mandated the development of a clear Terms of Reference to guard the Steering Committee’s oversight and admonished members of the Committee to bring their very best expertise and contribution to the Committee’s work.

1 thought on “Pres. Weah Sets Up Steering Committee for COVID 19 Food Support Program”

  1. Walter B. Skinner, Sr.

    Everything story The Probe posts has grammatical errors. Who were your English teachers? I’m süre they are not proud of your as “journalists”. Come on, trust you improve.

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