
Rep. Seboe Wants Holistic Package Considered during State of Emergency

By: S. Winston Blyden

Montserrado County District #16 Rep. Dixon Seboe is calling for the consideration a holistic package during the state of emergency.

Today’s session is to afford lawmakers, including members of the House of Representatives and the Liberian Senate to institute debates and discussions on the status of the President’s declaration.

It nay be recalled President Weah recently declared a state of emergency as a means of containing further spread of the COVID-19 in accordance of Articles 88 of the Liberian Constitution.

Articles 88 states:“the President shall, immediately upon the declaration of a state of emergency, but not later than seven days thereafter, lay before the Legislature at its regular session or at a specially convened session, the facts and circumstances leading to such declaration.

The Legislature shall within seventy-two hours, by joint resolution voted by two-thirds of the membership of each house, decide whether the proclamation of a state of emergency is justified or whether the measures taken thereunder are appropriate. If the two-thirds vote is not obtained, the emergency automatically shall be revoked.

Where the Legislature shall deem it necessary to revoke the state of emergency or to modify the measures taken thereunder, the President shall act accordingly and immediately carry out the decisions of the Legislature.”

But speaking to reporters, Montserrado County District #16 lawmaker, Dixon Seboe said generally there must be a holistic package ranging from civil servant salary and other basic social services for ordinary citizens.

He said the lockdown is necessary but the issue of the economy and other remedies for civil servants and ordinary citizens will highly be discussed during their emergency sitting.

Rep. Seboe said the issue of the state of emergency must be looked at holistically “don’t play politics with this situation, is it a health issue that we all must take very seriously, it be beyond party line, we are considering a holistic package that is necessary for the lockdown.”

The Montserrado County lawmaker said the disease does not know personality “so we all have to stop the games and focus on how we can concurred this disease.”

At the same time, Rep. Seboe said the legislature needs to hear from the health authorities and as such, it is much more necessary for them to appear regarding other measure and strategic put in place.

However, Rep. Seboe is calling on every well-meaning Liberians to focus on making provisions available for their districts and communities as well.

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