“Stop making Nat’l decisions without CDC Involvement”, Rep. Nagbe Sloh Cautions Pres. Weah


“Stop making Nat’l decisions without CDC Involvement”, Rep. Nagbe Sloh Cautions Pres. Weah

S. Winston Blyden, sr.

IPNews-Monrovia: A member of the ruling coalition for Democratic Change -CDC, is cautioning President George Weah to consult the national executive committee members of the ruling CDC whenever he is expected to make major appointments or decisions in the government in order to avoid continued national embarrassment.

Representative Sloh who is member of the ruling coalition for Democratic call comes in the wake of recent withdrawal of Cllr. A. Ndubusi Nwabudike by President George Weah as chairman of the National Election Commissioners Without waiting on the Senate’s decision on the confirmation hearing.

It can be recalled late Thursday evening, president Weah withdrew the nomination of cllr. Nwabudike after the senate committee on Autonomous Agency headed by Sinoe County Senator Milton Teajay prematurely ended the confirmation hearing of the National Election Commission designate Cllr. A. Ndubusi Nwabudike, following an intense public outcry.

President George Weah in a swift communication to members of the senate recalled the nomination following three days of debate on his naturalization status which he failed to justified.

But speaking at a news conference during the weekend at his capitol building office, Representative Sloh noted that there are many qualify Liberians who are capable to hold such position, and called on his political leader Pres8dent George Weah to package and send back to Nigeria Cllr. A. Ndubusi Nwabudike for deceiving the country.

Meanwhile, Representative Sloh has turned recent retreat organized by his party at the ATS as a ‘mere joke’ and calls on the CDC leadership to do more in uniting the party.

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