Senator Saah Joseph wants Gov’t provide Salaries, Water and Electricity before COVID-19 lockdown


Senator Saah Joseph wants Gov’t provide Salaries, Water and Electricity before COVID-19 lockdown

By: S. Winston Blyden, sr.

IPNews-Monrovia: A member of the Liberian Senate is calling on the government of Liberia to take into consideration several measures before enforcing a lockdown of Margibi and Montserrado counties.

Senator Joseph stated that while the lockdown of Montserrado and Margibi counties are urgent health needs of government and safety of the Liberian people, yet, the welfare of the ordinary people must not be forgotten.

According to the Senate Committee chair on Executive, at a news conference yesterday following the adjournment for two weeks for members of the Liberian senate for its Easter break, senator Joseph said government must consider the welfare of all citizens in the two affected counties including the provision running of water, salary payment and constant electricity among others essentials items to ensure the lockdown is effective.

Senator Joseph told legislative reporters that members of the Liberian senate are very concern about the outbreak of the virus and are schedule to meet with the executive to formulate plains to fight the killer disease.

On the communication from president George Weah recalling the nomination of Cllr. A. Ndubusi Nwabudike as chairman of the National Election Commission designate, senator Joseph said the communication from the Liberian leader has been accepted and endorsed by senators during Monday session.

The Montserrado County senator is at the same time calling on Liberians to take seriously preventive measures prescribed by the Ministry of Health and its partners in order to prevent further spread of the coronavirus in the country.

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