Liberia COVID-19 crisis: Commodity Price hike worries Lawmakers on Capitol Hill


Liberia COVID-19 crisis: Commodity Price hike worries Lawmakers on Capitol Hill

BY: S. Winston Blyden

IPNews-Monrovia: A member of the Liberian legislature has alarmed over the constant sky racketing of essential commodities including Rice, Gasoline, and transportation in the North western region of Liberia due to the outbreak of the Coronavirus in the county.

Speaking in an interview with reporters, Lofa county district #4 Representative Marimu Fofina said the situation is alarming thereby causing serious challenge for the living condition of the original citizens of the country.

According to lawmaker Fofina, the closure of the border and restrictions on movement along the borders is causing serious hardship for the citizens of Lofa and calls national government to intervene in the situation urgently

The Lofa county district #4 Representative Marimu Fofina spoke to reporters following her returned from Lofa county over the weekend.

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