‘Dangerous Political Premise’ CDC Chairman Terms Senate Committe’s Action


‘Dangerous Political Premise’ CDC Chairman Terms Senate Committe’s Action

IPNews-Monrovia The chairman of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), Mulbah Morlu has termed as dangerous political premise for the Senate Committee on Autonomous Agencies and Commissions to invite political parties for the confirmation of the National Elections Commission commissioners designate.

Speaking Tuesday, March 31, 2020 on Capitol Hill during a meeting between the Liberian Senate Committee on Autonomous Agencies and commission and political parties, chairman Morlu said that it is his view that the Liberian Senate remains honorable and that it would not be driven by politics and falsehood.

“It is the opinion of the CDC that inviting political parties to a hearing meant to determine the confirmation of the members of the Board of Commissioners of the National Elections Commission is a very dangerous political premise,” Morlu noted.

Morlu indicated that this hearing might in the future be interpreted as a tool that influence the decision of the Liberian Senate in confirmation the NEC nominees.

The ruling party’s chairman stated that any political party who have issue with any of the nominee being nominated at the NEC should channel said issues through their various Senators.

Morlu termed the comments made by opposition political parties as an united opposition chorus against the nominees of the NEC.

For their part, The former ruling Unity Party, Liberty Party, Alternative National Congress and the True Whig Party have all in separate comments oppose five of the Six nominees nominated by President George Manneh Weah.

Speaking for the Unity Party, Former Nimba County Representative, Atty. Worleah Sayway Dunah said that his party do not support the confirmation of the NEC chairman designate, Cllr. Ndubusi Nwabudike, commissioners designate Josephine Kou Gaye and Floyd Sayor because according to them those individuals lacks what it takes to serve that body.

Liberty Party and the True Whig Party rasised issue of with the chairman designate, Cllr. Ndubusi Nwabudike and commissioner designate Floyd Sayor on grounds that the chairman designate is not a Liberian and the Sayor is not trustworthy.

While the Alternative National Congress raises issues five out the six nominees nominated by President Weah.

They named chairman designate Cllr. Ndubusi Nwabudike, commissioners designate Floyd Sayor, Josephine Kou Gaye, Cllr. Erenestine Morgan-Awar and Davietta Brown Lassana

According to the ANC, the chairman designate lied under oath of being a Liberian while the the other commissioners lack credibility, competence and independence to head the NEC.

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