With 2yr Running, Pres. Weah remain courageous in the face of challenging Moments


With 2yr Running, Pres. Weah remain courageous in the face of challenging Moments

IPNEWS-MONROVIA: It’s been two years since the government of the Coalition for Democratic Change-CDC, turned the political pages of Liberia, as a party which came out of grassroot movement against all odds.

It’s been a challenging two years since, yet, the movement continues to surmount these odds by assuring major Economic recovery forecast within the new year 2020.

As these turnaround seems far from reality, the CDC political leader and president of Liberia, former soccer great George Manneh Weah, admits that the journey over the last two years hasn’t been an easy one, yet, there are great lights to an immeasurable transformation of Liberia from its current challenged state of economic decline to a more prosperous nation.

President message which was contained in a social media post, expressed great admiration and gratitude to Liberians for the patience and fortitude in the face of a challenging Economic and political state.

“Fellow Liberians:

Today marks two years since I took the oath of office to preserve, protect and defend the constitution of our great Nation. The journey hasn’t always been an easy one, but by the special grace of God we have been able to persevere.”

“Over the last two years, I have witnessed with great delight, Liberians from all across the territorial boundaries of this great nation; and those beyond the shores of our waters, exhibit a great deal of patriotism through their resilience, patience and cooperation; and I want to thank you all for such a great display of nationalism;”

“You continue to inspire hope in one another by not giving up, but by trusting and believing that better days are ahead despite the daunting task at hand. Over the last two years of our administration, we may have had dissenting views as it pertains to the governance of our country and the wellbeing of our citizenry, but we continue to find a common ground that Liberia is all that we have, thus we must all work cooperatively in achieving the Liberia that we so dearly desire.” President Weah said.

The Liberian leader reassured Liberians of his continuous commitment to fulfilling promises made during to the country when he sought the country’s highest office.

President Weah called on Liberians of all walks of life to remain prayerful and optimistic fro greater heights in the coming months.

The masses leader acknowledged the hardship of Liberians over the last two years and assure that the country was on a upward trajectory that would bring smiles on the faces of Liberian who had suffered difficult moments over he last two years.

Pres. George Weah: “As we commemorate this 2nd anniversary of my administration, I want to assure you that our Government remain resolute in fulfilling the promises we made when we sought your trust and confidence to steer the affairs of this great country, but all we need is your continuous prayers, a bit more patience and cooperation; as well as your unwavering and unflinching support.”

“To this end, I am reminded of the proverbial saying that: “tough times don’t last, tough people do,” and I have seen your toughness as a people over the years. You have stayed the course with courage and fortitude — and with a great deal of patriotism. Thus I’m confident that we are headed towards an upward trajectory as a nation.”

President Weah furthermore stated that experiences over the last two years has inspired him to work harder and take the necessary decisions in the interest of the country in the coming days.

He additionally assured that as part of his desire to a robust start to ensuring a transformation and upwards trajectory, full details to his vision for transformation will be detail when he address the joint session of the Legislature on next Monday, January,26,2020.

“This has inspired me to continue to double my efforts to ensure that my administration work in your best interest as we strive for a prosperous Liberia for all — a commitment that is so dear to my heart.”

“I look forward to addressing you all once again on Monday in fulfillment of article 58 of the Liberian constitution; wherein I will deliver my State of the Nation address to present my administration’s legislative program to the Honorable Legislature, and to report to the Liberian people, through their duly elected representatives, in Joint Assembly, on the State of the Republic.” The Liberian leader concluded.

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