Police Autopsy Report On Odell Sherman Backfires, As Family Refutes Haring Pathologist


Police Autopsy Report On Odell Sherman Backfires, As Family Refutes Haring Pathologist

By : S.Winston Blyden

IPNews-Monrovia: The mother of the late Odell Sherman aged 21 of the Harriet Bailey United Methodist School who was discovered lying unconscious in an unfinished building owned by Rev. Emmanuel Giddings of Duazon Madam Cynthan Sheman has refuted government autopsy report indicating that there well no foul played in the passing of he daughter.

It may be recalled, Police spokesman H. Moses Carter, on Tuesday, October 15, 2019, told reporters that the Pathologist hired by the family of the late Odell Sherman, had submitted to the Government of Liberia establishing โ€˜no foul playedโ€™.

Spokesperson Carter quoting the autopsy report said the late Odell Sherman died as the result of “Blunt Force Trauma of the Head,” consequence of descent from height” a statement madam Sherman described as a total trash.

Speaking to Independent Probe Wenesday , Madam Sherman disclosed that at no time did her family arranged any petrologist to conduct an autopsy on the remains of her late daughter, something she described as false and misleading.

Meanwhile, Madam Sherman has at the same time indicated that the autopsy report release by the government of Liberia is in no way subjects that the mysterious death surrounding her daughter is closed.

She spoke in an exclusive interview Wednesday with the Independent Probe Newspaper .

1 thought on “Police Autopsy Report On Odell Sherman Backfires, As Family Refutes Haring Pathologist”

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    Were and not well,her and not he and a lot more…

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