Creeping Monster for Abu Kamara In D-15; As Deputy Minister Phi Tappeh Dixon Eye District Seat


Creeping Monster for Abu Kamara In D-15; As Deputy Minister Phi Tappeh Dixon Eye District Seat

By: S.Winston Blyden

IPNews-Monrovia: What appears to be a cheeping treat against newly elected Montserrado County #15 representative Abu Kamara of the CDC has begun in the district ahead of the 2023 elections .

Deputy ministry for man power development at the Ministry of Labor Atty. Phil Tarpeh Dixon who is an executive member of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change celebrated his birthday over the weekend with the rehabilitation of the Jamaica Road Clinic while at the same time making huge donation as well.

Deputy Minister Dixon attempted contesting by election in Montserrado country in July but was asked to back off because the ticket was only reserved for a female something he believed was a disservice to him. It is unclear whether Abu Kamara is in thee know his personal imitative.

Montserrado county district 11 Representative Richard Nagbe Koon has also vowed to continue his development agenda in his district regardless of criticism from members of the opposition community in the district.

According to lawmaker Koon despite the economic hardship which has engulfed the country, yet, he will endeavor to complete all projects undertaken by him in the interest of the people as promised during the campaigned.

Representative Koon told thousands of inhabitants of the district during the weekend at the first anniversary celebration of the โ€˜Village saving and Loan schemeโ€™, organized in district number 11 and sponsored by Hon Richard Nagbe Koon, upon the induction of Representative Koon as member of the nation legislature.

Lawmaker Koon added that it took the intervention of inhabitants of his district through prayers that led speaker Chambers to request his CV resulting to an immediate change in accordance with his specialization.

At the same representative Koon has disclosed that the people of the district 11 will shortly benefit from several projects by his office including the elevation of the Kabba Town Public school from junior high division to senior high level, which will stop the rush to attend the E. Jonathon Goodrich high school alone.

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