“Too many Judases in the Land”, says Sen. Prince Johnson; Calls on Senators to Reject Dual Citizenship Bill


“Too many Judases in the Land”, says Sen. Prince Johnson; Calls on Senators to Reject Dual Citizenship Bill

IPNews-Monrovia: Controversial Nimba country Senator, turned preacher man, at the Chapel of Faith Ministries in Paynesville, Prince Y. Johnson, says there are ‘too many Judases in Land’, who are ill advising President George Manneh Weah on the state of affairs.

Senator Johnson stated that the hypocrites were telling the Liberian leader all is well in the country when things are not ok.

Speaking from the passage of the biblical book of Proverbs, which states: ‘Beware of hypocrites, for they shall seek your downfall’, Senator Johnson said the Judases were misleading the President for self-enrichment at the detriment of the suffering masses.

He stated too many times political leaders were satisfy will people giving flowery praises to them , when the very once giving those praises were  causing the demise of their administration.

The tough-talking Nimba Senator, recalled the failure of successive government who refused to listen to critical voices rather than praises of their immediate circle.

“Let me tell you my fellow worshipful, there are Judases in the Land; The Judases are those people around the president who continue to shower praises on the President by saying all is well in the country and that is the best thing that has ever happened to Liberia when in actual terms the country was experiencing  its difficult moments ever.

“These hypocrites are not your friends, but seeking to bring you down! Rev. Prince Johnson said.

On the issues of Dual Citizenship bill’, expected to be submitted to the National Legislature for enactment, Rev. Prince Johnson, called on his fellow Senators to reject the bill when submitted to that August body.

The Nimba county Senator, stated that Liberian needed to be emancipated from the current economic situation rather than a misguided ‘dual citizenship bill’, which does not offer Liberia and its citizenry any good.

“Over the last two days, the president took the National Legislature to the Farmington Hotel for a retreat, and it was a healthy retreat on how both bodies can designed and passed legislation and  policies amid at addressing the difficult economic condition of the country, and I alike to applaud  the wisdom of President George Weah,

“I also think similar action should be taken by calling a round table of all professionals ill-respective of political or tribal affiliation to discuss the current economic and political issues of the country rather than, calling for the passage of a ‘dual citizenship bill.

“I will lobby with my colleagues and like to remind them that this bill is evil and does not mean well for Liberia. In 2011, I like to remind you thirty-one Senators when for elections and only two came back; the same in 2014, and only and the same two came back, so than , it is time that all Senators begin working for Liberia and reject this evil ‘dual citizenship bill’. Senator Prince Johnson called.

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