“Your Tangible Works, Will Never Be Forgotten”, Independent Probe Tell MCA-Liberia


“Your Tangible Works, Will Never Be Forgotten”, Independent Probe Tell MCA-Liberia

IPNews-Monrovia-Liberia: Tuesday, 5 February 2019: The Millennium Challenge Account- Liberia, has won this year’s Independent Probe Newspaper prestigious ‘Platinum Award’, as ‘Best Development Partner 2018”.
Presenting the award, to the MCA-L Chief Executive Officer, Hon. Monie R. Captan, the Publisher of the Independent Probe Newspaper, Chester A. Smith, Sr., stated the presentation mark a significant moment in the institution’s desire to setting the path for motivation and hard work as a collective pursuit to the transformation of Liberia from years of devastation to a more preform society of development and tranquility.
Mr. Smith, the independent Probe Newspaper said since its inception a year ago, have worked to provide news coverage on key sectors which are essential to the Liberia’s recovery program, including basic social services such as electricity, water and hygiene, environmental issues, and healthcare.
The Independent investigative Publisher, in retrospect to the enormous tangible wo0rks of Millennium Challenge Account Liberia, as temporary government agency to administering the compact agreement signed between Liberia and the United States of America, through the US agency, Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), the MCA-L, as significant to bringing into the public sector a defined strategic approach to national development and strong sense of transparency and accountability, since October 2015.
He recalled openness of activities of the MCA-L during a media orientation meeting held on 15 June 2018, when the MCA-L Chief Executive Officer, Monie R. Captan and Directors clearly outlined MCA-L Energy and Roads projects and the cross cutting programs such as ‘Gender and Social Inclusion, Environment and Social Performance as well as Procurement and Finance’.
Mr. Smith, stated that the June 15, 2018, orientation helped to explain the nature of the agency and the compact, the projects it supports and the state of implementation with a realization that compact at the end of each year, meets to review progress and draw up a list of priority projects for the New Year to align to the compact objectives and the national development agenda, which were exceptional.
The Independent Probe Publisher further lauded Hon. Captan, Directors and other team members, of MCA-L, that the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), supports to key national development has now led to tangible development projects undertaken by the past and current government.
“We would also like to acknowledge the MCA-L support for the rehabilitation of the Mount Coffee Hydro Power Plant together with other donors, which the MCC supports as the largest donor. Your immense contribution to a viable energy sector is laudable, “
“Notably, the MCA-L recent signing on December 19, 2018, agreement with the Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation (LWSC) for the rehabilitation of a 48-inch diameter pipeline and 3.1 km long worth US$18M. This pipeline project which seeks to provide up to 1M residents of Monrovia with reliable and safe drinking water, is exceptional.” Mr. Chester Smith, lauded the MCA-L.
Speaking further on the MCA-L assistance to Liberia’s development efforts, Mr. Smith, acknowledged the MCA-L continued supports to LEC through its management service contract, including the MCA-L transparency in various procurement notices to purchase connection materials for LEC grid, leading to significant progress at the LEC, now reassures Liberia that the Country is not alone.
“Let me say here to you Hon. Captan and your team, the works of the MCA-L continued to reflect tangible developments initiatives which the government of Liberia itself consistently acknowledges when President George Weah mentioned that most of the community roads projects are been carried out with electricity services,”
“We also recalled another testimonial of the MCA-L development works when Vice President Jewel Howard Taylor in her recent pronouncement at the opening of the Senate, January 2019, stated that the ‘government was making great progress in the provision of electricity to its people’.
“While MCA-L alone cannot claim the credit, yet, its support remains concrete solution to the problems the LEC faces.” The Independent Probe Publisher highlighted.
Receiving the awards, the Chief Executive Officer of the Millennium Challenge Account, Liberia, Hon. Monie R. Captan, expressed that compact sincerely gratitude to the Management of the Independent Probe Newspaper , for its follow up on the works on the Compact, especially the desire of the American people to stand by Liberia during these difficult moments to restoring it most important basic social services of proving efficient electricity across the country and safe drinking water.
“Let me say Mr. Chester Smith, and team at the Independent Probe Newspaper ,c that Millennium Challenge Account- Liberia and its partner, Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), lauds your the tremendous work you’ve done to ensuring follow-up on activities of the compact and its associated benefits to Liberia’s development agenda,”
“We are sincerely grateful that you would take up time to investigate, make follow up as you’ve done in chronologically outlining the activities and projects follow ups, this is remarkable and worth an applause. MCA-L Chief Executive Officer stated.
The program coincided with the induction of newly elected officers of the Workers Association of Millennium Challenge Account- Liberia.

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