NO Criminals Recruited In EPS; Gov’t Clarifies

Laws & Order

NO Criminals Recruited In EPS; Gov’t Clarifies

IPNews-Monrovia,Liberia-2 March 2018:The Government of Liberia has clarified that President George M. Weah fully enjoys the confidence of two senior members of his security detail, Seward Briggs and Kwee Hne Wart, alas Wolo; who are both accused of being unfit to provide protection for the President, recently reported by the media.

Contrary to the reports that the pairs have ‘bad human rights record’ due to their service in past administrations, the government says both Seward Briggs, Assistant Director for Operations and Kwee Hne Wart, Deputy Chief of Motorcade of the Executive Protective Service (EPS), had provided Security protection for previous Liberian President and Transitional Heads for more than a decade, prior to his ascendancy of President George M. Weah.

According to a release from the Ministry of Information Cultural Affairs and Tourism (MICAT), it views the allegations against the two men as “erroneous, incorrect and inaccurate, and are only intended to raise national security concerns over the safety of the President.”

The release further explained that the two officers at no time being indicted for any acts of human rights violation, rather they are dedicated patriots continue to provide professional services to Liberia.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Information noted that sees the media as a key player in the maintenance of peace and democracy in post conflict nation, adding that Journalists have the moral duty to conform to full ethical practice. The release added.

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