Mother Mary Eliza Cooper Horton Celebrates 90th Birthday

Business News

Mother Mary Eliza Cooper Horton Celebrates 90th Birthday

IPNews-Monrovia,Liberia-2 March 2018:Mother Eliza Cooper Horton has celebrated her 90th birthday, with her grandchildren in a grand style on Wednesday February 28, 2018.

Mother Mary Eliza Cooper Horton had been happily married to the late statesman, Dr. A. Romeo Horton with love so pure and unconditional sometimes beyond understanding for 50 unbroken years.

In her remark during the birthday jubilee, Mrs. Horton expressed the warmth and love of the family and the blessings of God to spare her till this memorable day in her life.

Reflecting the life of her mother, Mary Eliza, as she affectionately called her, daughter, Nuna Horton said her mommy is a seasoned and proven model of womanhood; a role model to emulate irrespective of race, color or creed.

“She is a lady of grace, dignity, charm and ever beauty. She is gentle, kind, considerate, qualified, caring and a lovable person”.

According to her, Mary Eliza is a woman of conviction and courage with a sense of purpose and direction, and above all, she is a devout Christian who believes, loves, and serves the Lord Jesus Christ with all her heart.

“Growing up as a child, mommy and I shared many close, happy and warm precious moments. As I can recall, I was referred to by most as ‘your nappy haired baby’ or ‘your handbag’. Everywhere you went, I went; not just in Liberia but we travelled extensively throughout the world. You name it, God could not have given me a gentler, loving, shy at times, and understanding mother whom I love so dearly”, Nuna recalled.

She also recalled that Mary Eliza, though her best friend and confidant, no matter how wrong one may be, or how misdirected, her mother was always there to offer advice, guidance and support.

There were remarks from other speakers who graced the occasion including John Yuobotey, Kenneth Y. Best, publisher of the Daily Observer newspaper, Angelique Weeks, former commissioner of Liberia Telecommunications Authority, Ambassador Nathaniel Barnes, Randall Cooper, Rev. Dr. Anne Fredericks Cooper among others.

“Though Dr. A. Romeo Horton is not alive today, I believe he is here in spirit right now smiling. You not only showered daddy with love but gave me the gift of your love throughout my entire life. You stood by me through thick and thin…during my darkest moments; and yes, there quite few,’ Nuna said.

“During those times you always said that you did not have all the money in the world and fancy things, but you always said look to God and hang on to God`s unchanging hands; that no matter how many times you fall, keep getting up and when you can`t get up… just look up because one day he will plant your feet on solid ground,” she remembered.

Nuna told her mom that on this day, she should remember also that those around her share her joy, wishing her all the best as they join her in celebrating this very special 90th birthday jubilee.

“I love you Mai-Lizz with all my heart”, Nuna Horton told her mother amidst cheers and candle lighting.

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