MCC Mayor, Jefferson T. Koijee, Promises More Jobs

Business News

MCC Mayor, Jefferson T. Koijee, Promises More Jobs

IPNews-Monrovia, Liberia-28 February 2018: Monrovia City Mayor, Jefferson T. Koijee, has promised the creation of more jobs for disadvantaged youth in Liberia, especially in Montserrado County, as a way to alleviate current hardship experienced by youth across the country.

Mayor Koijee, was speaking when hundreds of disadvantaged youth from various streets in Monrovia visited him, to acquit him with conditions faced by young people since his inception as Mayor of the City of Monrovia.

The group through its leader Ebenezer Grant, says the visit was intended to plead to Mayor Koijee to create job opportunities for disadvantaged youth that would enable them to address their daily needs.

Grant continues that they are tired begging in the streets for little or nothing, which she notes, usually exposes them to harm especially, during night hours.
“Creating jobs for disadvantaged youth will help to support the government`s pro-poor agenda and protect the Presidency of Ambassador George Weah in his quest to transform Liberia,” she stressed.

According to Miss Grant, Liberia needs young people with vision for change and total transformation, adding that they as young people are of no exception to this change that Liberians so desired.

Ebenezer Grant: “Instead of us begging you for money continuously, it is about time we work to help ourselves.”

In response, MCC Mayor Koijee welcomed the youth for the visit and said President George Weah is aware of the difficult challenges faced by youth across the country, especially the active roles they played in electing him as Liberia’s 24th President.

The MCC Mayor also assured the youth that the President will ensure that young across Liberia, most especially, the underprivileged are given opportunities to serve and initiate programs to build their capacities with specific emphasis on technical and vocational education.

As part of this plan, Mayor Koijee explained that President Weah is expected to launch the quick impact project on Saturday, March 3, 2018 called “Youth Engagement for Improved Community Sanitation and Revitalization”, focusing on young people.

He pointed out that the project will bring together 1,600 young people from across Montserrado County- adding, he has with immediate effect, ordered inclusion of the over 100 disadvantaged youth who paid him a courtesy visit on Tuesday.

Speaking further, Mayor Koijee, promised to transform their lives based on change of behavior pattern exhibited during the envisaged ten days “Youth Engagement for improve Community Sanitation and Revitalization” program organized by President George Weah, with support from the United Nations Development Program, UNDP.

The MCC Mayor’s pronouncement now raises anticipated hope among disadvantage young people in various communities across Liberia, many of whom lack basic skills for employment, but were strong supporters of Mr. Weah’s bid for the presidency.

However, critics say the government should design a long-term program in addressing their plights rather than a quick impact exercise that is not sustainable.


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