Frustrated Urey Blames Prez. Sirleaf For Allege Fraud In 1st Round Elections


Frustrated Urey Blames Prez. Sirleaf For Allege Fraud In 1st Round Elections

IPNews-Monrovia, Liberia-8 December- Benoni Urey, political leader of the All Liberian Party (ALP), has accused President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of interfering and manipulating the results of the October 10 2017 polls.

Frustrated Urey addressing a news conference at the Unity Party Headquarters in Oldest Congo Town shortly after the ruling of the Supreme Court, Urey stated that all the woes created at the result of the October 10 polls result should be squarely threw at the feet of President Sirleaf contrary to the Supreme Court’s ruling sighting lack of sufficient evidence to overturn the results of first round of Presidential and Legislative elections.

Urey said: “You know all the problems in Liberia is Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. She had promised more than one party that she would take them to second round”.

Political observers are contemplating whether himself has been in the conspiracy to undermine the electoral process allegeable with the President as he refused to mentioned whether he was promised also to reach the second round of the October 10 polls even though Urey’s Party-ALP obtained at least 1.6 percent of the total vote counts according to the National Elections Commission (NEC).

He also called on members of the National Legislature to ensure that laws are enacted in order to prevent of such electoral case contrary to his previous decision to support the Liberty Party and Unity Party in their claims of gross irregularities and Fraud.

One political observer told the Independent Probe online service that Urey’s comments are clear manifestation of his overzealousness’ given that he now calls upon the National Legislature to enact laws to prevent presidential influence on officials of the election Commission whereas he himself allegeable took part in meetings with the president in adverting the democratic rights of the Liberian people in electing their own leader.

Commenting on the Supreme Court’s ruling, the All Liberian Party-ALP Political leader welcome the ruling as final arbiter of justice, but contended that there was sufficient reasons to anticipated a re-run of the elections.

Mr. Urey, stated that there were enough reasons that should compel the Supreme Court to call for a re-run of the entire electoral process due to the significance of five proven testimonies of fraud that was adduced during the hearings at the NEC.

Urey stated: “We have no option but to follow the laws of Liberia. But it does not negate one from speaking out one’s opinion on issues.The facts were glaring at the National Elections Commission and the Supreme Court”.

Interestingly, the ALP leader voice his admiration for Justice Kabineh Ja’neh, and congratulated him for proving himself as one man on the Supreme Court Bench that have an independent mind.

Urey, also alleged that the October 10 polls were characterized by selection and believe the Supreme Court’s ruling will make Liberia a laughing stock by countries in around the world.

“It is unfortunate that a semi-educated person did what Korkoya and Board of Commissioners did to the Liberian people.”

Why it is unclear to whom Urey refers to as “It is unfortunate that a semi-educated person did what Korkoya and Board of Commissioners did to the Liberian people”., Political observers views his comments as thoughts of a madman wishing to unleash his inner-zealous and unappreciated desire.

Urey is part of four political parties contending the results of the October 10 polls on ground that the elections were marked by alleged irregularities and fraud.

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