The Path Of A Fulfilling Legacy! PART I


The Path Of A Fulfilling Legacy! PART I

In the second round of historical presidential elections, Liberians must ask themselves what they have to gain and what they stand to lose if they do not get this right. Here are some of the things which should be on their minds and on the candidates’ agendas.

First they must recognize and acknowledge President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s legacy, in order to have a clear, rational idea of both past gains and the challenges ahead.
Second they must commit to a free, fair, and peaceful electoral process that reflects the will of the people of Liberia, whatever decision the voters make.

And third, whoever is elected must define a vision and a mission and commitment to take Liberia to the next level of development.

If those if those who claim to be leaders take their leadership seriously and represent the people and not themselves, Liberia has the potential to rise from the ashes of its complex and convoluted history to become a respected and influential player in the region, on the continent and around the globe.

Ellen Johnson Sirleaf inherited a country that was completely broken by civil war. The country had no revenue to speak of and almost all public funds had been looted. Violence had become the norm. It was in crushing debt. Infrastructure was lacking. Liberia was a pariah state in the region, on the continent and around the globe.

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